“It is a joy to be hidden and a disaster not to be found.”

— D. Winnicott

Monica McDonald

I’m so pleased you have found your way here. As humans, our survival depends on us having a connection to others. Relationships mean everything.

I can help you improve your relationship with your past, your present, your future and the people in your life. We do this together by supporting you in working towards a positive relationship with yourself. 

The change does start with you. By reaching out, you’ve already taken the first step towards a healthier life.


Diversity Statement

I would like to begin by respectfully acknowledging that I reside within the traditional territory and ancestral lands of the Tionontati (Petun), Attawandaron (Neutral), Haudenosaunee (Six Nations), and Anishinaabe peoples.

I know I’m White and I know that “whiteness” has been purposefully and systematically elevated through pervasive and persistent racism.

I am dedicated to providing an environment that exhibits respect and appreciation for the race, colour, ethnicity, religion, sex, national origin, age, ancestry, physical/mental ability, sexual orientation, marital status, parental status, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, and socioeconomic status of all persons. 

Black, Indigenous and people of colour, experience the discrimination that comes from being marginalized as invisible or less than in our society. Their oppression is the way whiteness is elevated. I am committed to creating an atmosphere of openness, trust, and safety where all attitudes, beliefs, values, and behaviours can be freely explored and discussed. I will consciously hold myself accountable to this core value of equality for all.

I embrace providing therapy that affirms the dignity, worth and value of everyone that I work with. Everyone.

On a personal level, I am committed to learning and unlearning in our current climate of social change. Getting it right as a therapist means that I am constantly doing my own work of building greater self-awareness so that I can ensure that I am privileging your experience in the therapy space. 

We all have our unique stories … and I want to hear yours.

Together, we can make things better.

Reach out today

Currently serving clients from Orangeville, Ontario, Canada and surrounding communities.